New Emerging Techniques in Pharmaceutics

Editor In Chief: Abdulkadir Levent

Dedicated to advancing pharmaceutics through advanced research and collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches.

Double Blind Peer Review Process

The publication process consists of the following steps. The primary goal of this process is to ensure quality. Manuscripts submitted for publication are exclusive to the journal at the time of submission and have not been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Upon receipt, all manuscripts are acknowledged with an assigned manuscript number. Subject editors initially review all submissions for suitability. Manuscripts containing plagiarism, serious scientific or technical errors, or lacking significant content are rejected without further formal peer review. Submissions outside the journal’s scope may also be rejected at this stage.

Manuscripts passing the initial screening are eligible for formal review and may be sent to two or more reviewers, selected at the editor’s discretion. The journal employs a double-blind review process, ensuring anonymity between authors and reviewers. Final publication decisions are made by the editorial board based on reviewer feedback. Authors are promptly notified of acceptance, rejection, or the need for revisions.

Authors are required to respond to reviewers’ comments with descriptive replies and submit a revised manuscript addressing all concerns. Manuscripts are accepted for publication only when both the editor and reviewers are satisfied.

Accepted articles undergo copy editing for grammar, punctuation, style, and format. Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author for review and corrections, which must be returned promptly. The corresponding author or their designated coauthor serves as the primary contact with the editorial office throughout the submission and review process.

Special Issue

We are cordially welcome you to participate in the Special Issue for the Journal of Novel Trends in Mental Health.

For more detailed information for special issue release mail us at:

Guest Editor: Will be Updated Soon.
Theme: Will be Updated Soon.
Submission Dead Line: October 25 2024.

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