Author Guidelines

Author guidelines are provided by journals to ensure that publication standards are followed. These guidelines often cover topics such as necessary disclosures, word limitations, ethical considerations, citation style, and formatting instructions for manuscripts.

Author Guidelines

All the Stripe Journals undergo Double-blind Peer Review policy followed by ensuring that the true identities of the authors, editors, and reviewers are not known to each other.The main objective of the Stripe Journals is to promote current trends in the scientific community. The goal is to make innovative research and knowledge in the areas more widely accessible worldwide.

The work of academics, scholars, and scientists is validated by at least two external reviewers for every article in the issue. When submitting a manuscript, authors have the option of choosing both preferred and non-preferred reviewers. The journal’s editorial board members are responsible for handling the review processing.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Each Journal has an Article-Processing Charges of 999 USD, for each article accepted for publication. The journals do not charge any submission fee. The journal does not charge readers a subscription fee because it is an Open view publisher, allowing readers to view its articles for free online. As a result, to process their papers, authors must pay a reasonable handling fee.

Payment can only be accepted by authors once their article has been approved for publication. Mentioned article processing charges are basic charges and these charges may vary based on the extensive editing, colour effects, complex equations, extra elongation based on the article pages and the funding sources etc.

Submission Process

Pharmaceutics delivers timely interpretations of key scientific developments in the fields of  and other related Pharmaceutics areas. It allows original article, Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Editorials, Editor Notes, Letters to Editor, Commentaries, Perspectives, Image Articles, Book Reviews, Opinion Articles, Mini Reviews etc. addressing all aspects of medical and paramedical sciences.

Ethical and Malpractice

Stripe Journals Ethical guidelines and protocols are crucial for maintaining integrity and trust in academic and scientific publishing. Journals typically adhere to established ethical standards to ensure fair and responsible conduct throughout the publication process. Here are key aspects of ethical guidelines and considerations for journals:

Authorship and Contributor ship

    • Authorship Criteria: Authors should meet specific criteria outlined by the journal, typically based on substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research.
    • Acknowledgment: Contributions from individuals who do not meet authorship criteria but have provided support or assistance should be acknowledged appropriately.
    • Ghostwriting and Guest Authorship: Prohibit ghostwriting (where someone contributes significantly to the manuscript but is not acknowledged) and guest authorship (where someone is listed as an author without meeting criteria).

Plagiarism and Originality

Plagiarism Detection: Use tools to detect and prevent plagiarism in submitted manuscripts.
Originality: Manuscripts should present original research findings and not duplicate previously published work without proper attribution.

Ethical Treatment of Subjects:

Human and Animal Subjects: Authors must comply with ethical standards concerning the use of human subjects (informed consent, confidentiality, etc.) and animal subjects (ethical treatment, care guidelines, etc.)